The BuddySystem
is a free suite of Nuke tools, designed to assist with some of the most common tasks a compositor runs into everyday
I’ve designed these tools over the years, based on my experiences as a comp supervisor and HOD working in Animation. Each one targets a fundamental task, and tries to make doing that task intuitive, fast, and easy enough for anyone to pickup, while still being flexible enough for more advanced users
A shared design philosophy, which allows an artist that learns to use one, to quickly pick up the others
Easy to use at the base level, but also support advanced options for more involved tasks
Tool names are both descriptive and unique. Do you need to place a card in 3D? Use the CardBuddy! Can't remember the name of that tool? Tab search for "Buddy" and see the whole suite of tools
Quality of life features, that combine what would normally be done with many nodes, or multiple gizmos, into one tool
Each node has unique documentation outlining features, user tips and more
Self labeling
Calibratable per project/render env
Production tested
Quick Links
Create multiple masks with Position/PRef & Normal data, with a variety of 3D shapes
3D transform controls
Built in edge cleanup
Simplified AOV list
Calibration controls
Multiple shapes at once
Preview image
Many shape types
Falloff options
Create 3D ramps in any direction with Depth/Z & Position/PRef data
Optional axis limits
Built in edge cleanup
Simplified AOV list
Calibration controls
Preview image
Works for depth or pos
Falloff options
Transform controls
Place 3D cards in world position & automatically generate holdouts
Point clouds
Other geo types
Simplified AOV list
Calibration controls
Preview image
2D to 3D placement
Holdout options
Camera projections
Project images into World Position/PRef to replace textures, screens or create complex masks
3D transform controls
Built in edge cleanup
Simplified AOV list
Calibration controls
Preview image
2D to 3D placement
Masking options
Sticky projections
Project images into Normals/NRef to place eye pings, textures, or create stylized reflections
3D transform controls
Built in edge cleanup
Simplified AOV list
Calibration controls
Preview image
2D to 3D placement
Masking options
Sticky projections
Generate animated curves based on Random, Sine, Sawtooth, and many other types of mathematical patterns
Mix Curves into Advanced ones
Find expression linked nodes
Make camera shakes
Drive random colours
Multiple curves per node
Adjust curves easily
Many curve types
Animate in/out