Adjust Backdrops

(Under Construction)

A python script designed to make working with backdrops a little easier. If you’re like me and find selecting the incredibly small bottom right corner annoying, this might be of use to you!

Adjust Size With Arrow Keys

This allows you to change the size of a backdrop with the arrow keys. Select your backdrop(s) and hold Ctrl+Shift while pressing the arrow keys to change the scale in the desired direction


Down Arrow = Increase Height
Right Arrow = Increase Width
Up Arrow = Decrease Height
Left Arrow = Decrease Width

Dynamic Scaling

Scale is based on your DAG zoom level

This means if you are really zoomed out, it will adjust the scale a lot, and vice versa

Match Size With Arrow Keys

This allows you to quickly match the size of multiple backdrop with the arrow keys. Select your backdrop(s) and hold Ctrl+Alt while pressing the arrow keys to change the scale

Note: The last backdrop you select will be the one the others match to


Down Arrow = Match Height
Right Arrow = Match Width

Align With Arrow Keys

This allows you to quickly align the x/y pos of multiple backdrop with the arrow keys. Select your backdrop(s) and hold Ctrl+Alt while pressing the arrow keys to change the scale

Note: The last backdrop you select will be the one the others match to

Up Arrow = Align Top/YPos
Left Arrow = Align Left/Xpos

Adjust Font Size With +/- Keys

This allows you to change the size of the font with the +/- keys. Select your backdrop(s) and hold Ctrl while pressing either +/- on your number pad to change the font size


Ctrl + = Increase Font Size
Ctrl - = Decrease Font Size

That’s it! I hope it helps, and feel free to reach out if you run into any issues

