Rename Your Viewer Nodes

Did you know you can rename your viewers? This can be handy for defining which viewer you want to use for navigating the node tree, and which you want to use for a reference image, shot, or color key

Step #1

Create a viewer node and attach the input to what you want to view

Step #2

You can open the properties panel for most nodes in nuke by double clicking on them. If you want to open the properties for a viewer however, it requires you to click in the viewer window to activate it, and then pressing the S key while your mouse is still in the viewer window. It’s kind of like a secret code, and now you know it too!

*Note* in Nuke 14 you can now just double click the viewer node, like any other to access properties panel

Step #3

Rename the viewer in the properties panel, to help keep track of them easier! This is especially handy on small screens, where you have to tab through multiple viewers.

I mostly use this for reference art, but you can also use it for same as shots ViewerS0100 or for specific sections of the comp ViewerCHR or ViewerBG for example


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