How to Save ToolSets in Nuke for Later Use

ToolSets are nukes way of allowing users to store a node, custom tool, or collection of nodes (aka a template) for later use. After a ToolSet is created the user can quickly recall the saved items by tab searching for its user defined name, just like a default nuke node. This is a very powerful system for artist who use the same templates, or tools over, and over again in their workflow, and allows them to create, and maintain a personalized suit of tools that best suit their needs

Step #1

In any nuke script select a single node, a collection of nodes, or a group/gizmo in the node graph

Step #2

With the nodes you want to save still selected, go to the ToolSets icon on the toolbar, and select Create 

Step #3

In the popup window, give the node(s) the name you want to use for the ToolSet, and hit the Create button

Step #4

Tab search for the same name you used to create the ToolSet above, and it should now be accessible, like any other node in nuke!

All nodes saved in this way will have [ToolSets] appended to the end of their name in the tab search

Managing ToolSets

Finding ToolSets After Creation

Your saved ToolSets can be found under the ToolSets menu after creation. This is handy if you forget what you have already saved, and need a refresher on their names

Organizing ToolSets Into Folders

The saved ToolSets can also be organized into folders at creation, by adding a folder name before the ToolSets name, separated by a forward slash

If the folder doesn’t exist, it will be created when you press the Create button. If it does exist you can select it from the ToolSets Menu drop down

Or by going to your C:\Users\"Username"\.nuke\ToolSets folder, and manually creating a folder in the directory, then moving your ToolSets into it

Renaming ToolSets

You can navigate to your C:\Users\"Username"\.nuke\ToolSets folder and right click, rename the nuke files to rename a ToolSet after creation

Deleting ToolSets

In the ToolSets menu after creation, you can use the "Delete" function at the bottom of the menu to remove unwanted ToolSets, or you can navigate to your C:\Users\"Username"\.nuke\ToolSets like the steps above, and manually delete the files. If you manually delete the files/folders, you will need to restart nuke to see the changes


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